Key Phrases for School

Key Phrases for School

(£24.00 inc. VAT)

NEW languages PASHTO and DARI have been added to this poster.

This product requires a PENpal to enable you to hear the sound.
Touch the PENpal to this A3 laminated chart and hear key words and phrases to use with children and parents spoken fluently in 30 including English. Easy to access and fantastically simple, this practical resource is perfect for induction and a must for any setting with E AL children. This excellent package includes the chart, the PENpal and all the audio languages. The phrases have been tried and tested with various teachers, office administrator for the most common terms used in the school office or in class. For example, if there is a Polish child, just touch the Polish "button" and then the phrase you you want to communicate (eg Please bring your child at 9 o'clock) will be spoken in Polish. Then touch the Lithuanian hotspot and hear the same phrase spoken in Lithuanian.

The available languages are Albanian, Arabic, Bengali/Sylheti, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Czech, English, Farsi, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Kurdish. Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Mandarin, Nepali, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Somali, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Dari Pashto and Ukrainian.
Switch between languages instantly! Simply touch the language that you want to hear with your PENpal and then touch the square beside the phrase you want to hear.