Collaborative Learning Activities

Collaborative Learning Activities


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Collaborative Learning enables children to discover the secrets of subject specific topics whilst also improving language skills. Mantra Lingua's Collaborative Learning Library was launched in January 2012, in partnership with the ‘guru’ of CL, education consultant Stuart Scott. Over the past 35 years Stuart has been receiving projects from teachers which uses the Aural Learning approach. Stuart has been collating them into his Collaborative Learning Library. We converted about 100 activities into a standard sound enabled format with great illustrations, covering a wide age and subject range and they can be used for subject led English Language development, ELL and EAL. Also, many of the activities are being translated into Arabic, Spanish, Polish with more languages are to follow.

As a member of the Mantra Lingua Collaborative Learning Library, you will receive a free PENpal (with its four software, including Sharelink) and have access to the PDF’s as well as purchasing activities.

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