The Sunita Series


The Sunita Series


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Although there are 20+ language editions per title, meaning over 60 language editions, delivery will be February 2023.
Pre-orders are welcome. If you would like to order single copies, search by title on the search bar. 

Here is a summary of the blurb behind each book:
Sunita makes Friends:
Sunita found herself playing alone, her brother had a friend to cycle with, her sister had a friend to play ball with. Even the birds weren't interested in playing with Sunita.
Her sister's ball crashed through a neighbours window so Sunita and her dad went to apologise and promise to mend the window. The neighbour had a granddaughter called Sally who lived far away, but one day she came to stay and Sunita made some wonderful new friends in Sally and her grandparents.

Sunita at the Zoo:
Sunita and her class are going to the zoo. They are all very excited as climb onto the school bus They'll see elephants and sea lions, goats and penguins, monkeys and parrots and many more. They can even have a ride on a camel if they wish. What could go wrong on this wonderful day?

Sunita's Special Day:
Sunita enjoys learning about Halloween at school. When she arrives home her mum says that they can have a Halloween party and invite some friends. She and her brother and sister string up some sticky donuts and bob for apples and they have witches hats and lanterns. It is a special day indeed,.. but no ghosts!


Maggie Paun
Karen Mezek
200 g
Minimum Age: 
Maximum Age: