Mantra Lingua SEN
TES SEN Show Catalogue
Mantra Lingua were at theTES SEN Show 2018, showcasing new resources that enrich learning in diverse classrooms. Tactile Talking Books, Musical Play mats and Kamishibai Story telling Stage and Props, these all trigger children to respond with speech, action, and excitement. They are something totally new but easy. They can record their own voices in books, play mats and sticky labels- just watch them amazed at hearing their voices played back! Our Kitabu e-book library of over 550 titles is dyslexic friendly. Readers can enlarge the font and listen to the word highlighted text. Our approach is less through structured reading schemes but more towards the enjoyment of story-telling, video and games. Text is not the prime feature but works equally with audio and visuals, giving a multi-dimensional enjoyment of story telling and literacy.
Kitabu e-book library
Our ‘Kitabu’ ebook library has over 550 titles in English and 37 dual language editions. There are well-known stories, stories from around the world, reference books, and also books set in today’s world. eBooks are a great way to improve reading and enjoying books. For dyslexic readers, there is a huge range of books in sans serif (Arial) and for those who specifically want ‘dyslexic friendly fonts’ we have a growing number of titles. We want to encourage reading, not by going through structured reading programmes but through the joy of stories and their telling. Therefore all text is spoken, even in the home language for dual language editions. For dyslexic children, text can be enlarged, and listened to with words highlighted as they are spoken. Every story has a video just to enjoy narration and at the of each book there are flash cards with audio, label the parts, sequence the story, make word picture connections… These activities are designed to succeed and to encourage a love for reading. SENCOs can monitor progress and share notes on any page, suggesting difficult words for Teachers to be aware of. Kitabu ebooks are unique in their versatility. Prices range from £2.50/yr and bulk licences are feasible. Watch this video to see how our Kitabu e-book library can be a useful tool for children who are reluctant readers. Read alongside visuals and audio, repeat and enlarge text whenever you like, and personalise the book with helpful notes. We also have a range of books with dyslexic font.
Kamishibai Storytelling Theatre
Kamishibai is an old Japanese Story-telling style that Disney nearly wiped out. It is making a revival in Europe, especially Germany, Sweden. It provides visual content or props for the teacher and audience to story-tell in their own way. Well-known stories retain the illustrations but no text. Let the children talk about the Hungry Caterpillar in their own words and even languages. Kamishibai slows down story-telling, with plenty of scope for self-expression, speaking and listening, and develops teamwork and social etiquette within the group. The absence of text leaves space for visual imagination and oral expression. Below is a ‘migration story’ which is very effective in bringing out experiences, stories, events; or you can use blank cards to enable traumatised children to express themselves. their feelings, their journeys. With Kamishibai Story Props Including classic titles such as the Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Very Hungry Caterpillar... and many more. OR create your own Props with tactile elements, personal artwork and audio.
CRPEN, wireless Bluetooth speaker and audio books
These large Board Lay-flat books open to A3 size. Words make more sense if you experience and feel them,. These three books in the ‘Let’s Go….’ Series is about reflecting on everyday scenes or visits, a reinforcement of visual memory with sounds. The illustration on each page is full of sounds!. Touch the bird and hear her call, touch the car and hear “Beep Beep”. But that is not all. Each book is a picture thematic dictionary - touch the object and hear its name spoken, in English or French or Spanish or… in any of 26 languages! Yes, there are 26 dual language editions of each book. And what’s more, you can add your own voice to any sound spot. Using unique technology, each page is laminated and the spine designed to ensure the book lays flat - giving children scope to see and hear in minute detail, and relive their everyday experiences. In the process they build up their vocabulary and speaking skills “My 3 year old Grand-daughter spent one hour going through the 12 page Let’s Go to the Park. She was on her own and just enjoyed the way she could control the responses – the audio – from every page. I had to help her with recording, but the amazement in hearing her voice was palpable!”Bring paper to life in your classroom or home with the CRPEN and wireless Bluetooth speaker. Buy now!
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Tactile, Talking Books:
Buri and the MarrowExplore our multi-sensory books with visual, audio and touch.
There are over 1250 titles we publish, most of which are sound enabled for our PEN reading devices, including PENfriend! Touch the top left or right of any page and listen to the text spoken in English, and with over 67 home languages. These stories are great of VI parents or children as well as SEN children - learning is intuitive, touch and hear, move around the pages at your own pace. And… VI parents can record their voices on every page and share the joy of picture books, especially with the tactile versions.