Welcome Booklet School Edition

There are 160+ information points in the App which were defined following discussions with parents, teachers and looking at lots of Welcome Booklets from schools. Each point is translated into various languages shown below. Schools can add content, make changes, personalise with names and photos to any classroom and take as many print outs as they liked.
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Welcome Booklet Nursery Edition

This easy yet powerful tool can really help parent's understanding of nursery life.

The booklet is available in 9 languages, Arabic; Bengali; Bulgarian; English; Hungarian; Latvian, Polish and Romanian.

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FREE Key Terms and Letters Library

We all need translations - words, sentences, etc in many languages, very often, quickly.  Looking at the messages on the EAL Bilingual forum, there are often calls for help for translation.

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Pupil's Admission App

Do your office staff face the challenge of admitting pupils who are new to English?
School Inspectors are always addressing what evidence you can demonstrate regarding Home Assessment and effective communication with parents.
Our bilingual Pupil's Admission App enables parents and teachers to understand each other effectively, regarding important data about the child, home, family, etc.
The App can be used on iPads, Androids, computers, laptops, etc.

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Mantra Lingua has the world's largest collection of talking printed books - more than 900 - and this list is growing. The titles may be in different languages; today we have over 65 languages. This list too is growing; so you can listen to a book in English or another language using PENpal or PENfriend. Just take whatever audio file you want from FreeLINK and enjoy hours of listening. As a special offer, FreeLINK is our software that allows access to any of these files free of cost.

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CreateLINK Pro

There are so many wonderful books published by other publishers that would be even better if they too could have sound built into them. Mantra Lingua has found a way to make this happen: CreateLINK Pro lets you to add sound to ANY book, poster, or object.
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eGrammar Tales

Mantra Lingua's exciting eGrammar tales help all learners to develop strong reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. They are an effective literacy tool for all stages. An excellent aid for EAL children, there are clear instructions of what to do in 16 languages, including: Arabic, Bulgarian, Cantonese, English, French, Farsi, Hungarian, Lithuanian Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Sylheti, Turkish and Urdu.

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Minibook Creator

Minibook Creator

Let children experience the fun of creating and publishing their own talking minibooks using this simple software from Mantra Lingua. Allow them to build their own collection of titles and narrate their own audio with PENPal. Once finished, build a display of the titles they have authored. Teachers can also make their own talking flash cards to fit any curriculum area by cutting up and laminating the paper.

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Multilingual Questionnaire & Analysis App

This is what everyone wants - How well are New Arrivals, EAL pupils doing, what are their likes, dislikes, attitudes to study and play... “PUPIL’S VOICE” is a dual language questionnaire that totals all responses to 40+ questions and presents them in graphical reports.
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